Lok'tar, brothers and sisters of the Horde!
I am Warmistress Kil'Gora Darkhowl, and these are the orcs of the Bloodfury Clan. We are a mighty Clan, founded a long time ago by our once Chieftain Mordacai, and have since then stood strong against every challenge Azeroth and Draenor have tossed our way. We have survived through all kinds of hardships: abandon, betrayal, conflict, partings. But we've also gained plenty of friends - orc, troll, tauren, and then some. The trolls of the Shadowtusk stand beside us. equals in brotherhood and might, as the Vanguard of the Horde.
And yet, we orcs never forget where we came from and what we are here for. In the name of the Warchief Thrall, of his predecessor Orgrim Doomhammer, of the mighty Chieftain of the Warsong Clan, Grommash Hellscream; the Bloodfury WILL fight on! Come what may, demons of the Legion, rotting dead of the Scourge, humans of the Alliance, we will soak the ground with their blood! As comrades-in-arms, as brothers and sisters of this Clan and the Horde.
Lok'tar Ogar! Victory or Death! There is no in between for the mighty orcs of the Bloodfury. We carry on, until we can fight no more and we find our deaths in the glory of the great battlefield. Then and forever, my brethren, let the Spirits guide us, protect us, and bless us with their might.
Aka'Magosh, my friends.
- Kil'Gora Darkhowl